Monday, January 15, 2007

Day 30: For days gone by...

Is it just me, or the spirit of New Year is already rottening away into the past?

We call it the January Cliff: when the time to pay for all your happily given presents dues... When the holes in your belt seem to have moved backwards... When the credit card bills pile up on your desk while your check account balance plummets to the basement... When you are about to join the long line of people at the "Monte de Piedad" to pawn the Blue Ray DVD Player or the iPod you got for Christmas...

Somehow we look gloomy and depressed. Maybe because the first payday of the year has come and gone... without even saying hello to our wallet. Or it may be the realization of holiday being finally over, with another whole year of work ahead. Personally, I must say the main reason is my exhaustion. After a whole month of weekend parties, I haven't been able to recover my sleep hours yet while, on the other hand, things are getting tougher at work, with people going bananas about overlapping appointments, lack of communication among the same department, total havok at the storing area and my boss grumbling at everybody for no clear reason.

Well... Enough complaints for a day. Some good things I get out of all this mess are that I still keep my ability to laugh at the face of danger, find myself something to do to cover I'm doing nothing (like writing this blog), rebuke wittingly to any bad remark and still keep a smile.
Let's keep fighting!!! =)


Rogelio López Castro said...

YEY! Te encontré!

¡Feliz Año! Hippy New York! Y todas las demás versiones...

Envíote todos mis mejores deseos para que este año te vaya súperduper :)


The Usual Stuff said...

Mil gracias, mi queridísimo Roy. Un gusto saludarte y que la estés pasando muy requete bien. ¡Agradable sorpresa! =)